
Showing posts from July, 2018

I need to write something

OK, I am falling down on my resolution to post here every other week. Although I have been doing a lot of writing. Just for classes and grant applications. So I want to talk about another topic today that has nothing to do with track coaching. OK, it has little to do with track coaching. It will also be less tightly written and more rambling than I like. Lately I have been running into so many instances of what I am choosing call "expert syndrome" in which people attack or put down someone or something in order to establish their bona fides as an expert at something. Upon reflection, I realized that this has bothered me for a long time in a couple of different arenas that intersect my professional life. The first is in programming. I have a general rule that when someone says that a particular operating system or programming language "sucks" or "is terrible" I pretty much want to ignore them. It happens a lot with students. We are a Mac district and ev